Common Cyber Threats
Malware can be defined as software that is created with the sole purpose of harming any kind of IT equipment.
As the name suggests, spyware infiltrates a device and spies on the actions of the user. This is typically to steal sensitive data like passwords, personal information, and bank details.
Phishing attacks
Phishing typically occurs when a cyber attacker disguises themselves as a trustworthy group to get personal information from victims. This will trick users into providing their access information, such that the threat actors can then gain access to your IT systems.
Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks
A DDoS attack occurs when numerous cyber attackers inundate a single server or computer system to flood the network, causing it to crash and deny legitimate users’ access.
Ransomware works to infiltrate a computer system through a website or electronic message, and then notifies the user that they must pay a fee to regain function of their system.
Often, trojans are disguised as computer software and are unintentionally downloaded by a user. Once downloaded, the trojan infiltrates the system via the back-end and gains control or steals information.